Welcome to the Town of Richland's official municipal website.
The Town of Richland is unique as it is bordered by Lake Ontario's eastern shore and is located in Oswego County, NY in the heart of the Salmon River corridor. Located in the Town of Richland are the hamlets of Richland, Fernwood, and Port Ontario. The Town of Richland has much to offer from white sand beaches and state parks, four seasons of recreation, and year-round sport fishing. The pride of Richland is the state-of-the-art water system that provides award-winning water quality, serving Richland and neighboring towns. The economy is well-rounded, including everything from manufacturing to health services. The town has a rich history dating back to 1801 when it was first settled. One visit will prove that Richland consists of a close-knit family-oriented community that takes pride in its town and the people who reside in it.
To contact the Town of Richland please call (315) 298-5174.
TOWN CLERK OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9 am-4:30 pm, closed 1 pm-2 pm for lunch, Friday 9 am-1 pm
WATER CLERK OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 am-1:30 pm Monday - Friday
COURT OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday 8am until 1pm
Court is held on the first 4 Wednesdays of the month at 5:00 pm
Appointments are required for all marriage licenses. Please see the Town Clerk page for Marriage License Information
Click here to pay or view Town and County taxes and to obtain receipts for prior years.
Sealed bids for the Richland Park Project at Fireman’s Pond in Richland, NY will be received until 3:00 pm March 11, 2025 at the Town of Richland Municipal Office, Attention Clerk Millie Newcomb, 1 Bridge Street, Pulaski, NY 13142 where they will be opened and read on March 11, 2024 at 6:45 pm. Each bid must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Bidding and Contract Documents and must be accompanied by references of similar projects and a Bid Security in the form of a Certified Check, Bid Bond or Bank Check in the amount of (10%) ten percent of the bid amount Bidders must have a minimum of 5 years successful experience in completion of similar projects for State, National or locally registered landmarks.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond each for 100% of the amount of the Contract. The completion date for this project is expected to be September 30, 2025.
Funding for this project comes in part through an Environmental Protection Fund grant administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). Under Article 15A, Executive Law the State of New York is committed to providing Minority and Women Owned Business (MWBE) equal opportunity to participate in government contracts. Though there are no required goals for MWBE participation in this grant funded project, the successful bidder will be required to make a Good Faith Effort in the utilization of MWBE’s and furnish reports showing the participation of various business enterprises of subcontractors and suppliers on the contract.
Effective February 14, 2025 bid documents may be obtained and/or examined free of charge at: Town of Richland Municipal Office, 1 Bridge Street, Pulaski, NY 13142.
There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting 9:00 am at the Town of Richland Municipal Office on March 4, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Balcom, Highway Superintendent, at (315) 298-2567 or
The Town of Richland currently has a position open on the Planning Board and the Comprehensive Planning Board. Interested parties should fill out an application that can be found on our website, www.townofrichland.org
Millie Newcomb
Town Clerk
Town of Richland Employment Application
Due to the rising costs of culvert pipe, labor, and materials, the Town of Richland Town Board and the Highway Superintendent have concluded that the service of installing driveways at no cost is no longer feasible. This new policy will become effective January 1, 2025.