The purpose of the Town of Richland and Village of Pulaski Comprehensive Planning Board is to implement the priority action list set in the plan that was adopted in 2011 and amended in 2022.
Comprehensive Plan, Town of Richland and Village of Pulaski, Amended 2022
Elected officials and community representatives from the Village of Pulaski and the Town of Richland began discussing the need for a long-term plan that incorporates the shared vision and unique concerns of each community member and a committee of concerned citizens (the Pulaski Richland Comprehensive Plan Committee [CPC]) was formed in the fall of 2003. In August of 2004, a community survey was sent to all residents of the Town and Village and over 800 responses were returned to the Oswego County Department of Planning and Community Development. In the fall of 2006, the CPC contacted the Central New York regional Planning and Development Board and asked for their assistance with the task of writing a joint comprehensive plan. In January of 2007, the CNY RPDB and the Committee held their first public meeting, with additional meetings held over subsequent months held to assure that the Committee’s 2003 survey findings were still relevant and to discuss a variety of topics related to the Plan.
Objectives of public participation in the process were to:
- Identify unique areas within the community that should be protected.
- Develop a strategy for promoting the natural and recreational resources of the area; and
- Find a balance among economic growth, residential demands, and infrastructure extensions throughout the community.
A Comprehensive Plan is a public, consensus-driven document to be used by elected officials as a guide for decision-making within the Town. The plan not only includes information on the history of Richland and Pulaski, and the changes that have already taken place, but also focuses on how the community envisions the Town’s future, with goals and specific recommendations in support of the community’s vision.
The major components of the Town of Richland and Village of Pulaski Comprehensive Plan include:
- An inventory and assessment of community history, cultural and environmental resources, and trends in population, housing, economics, land use, and regional influences (Chapter 2);
- A summary analysis and identification of the community’s vision for the future with a listing of goals and recommendations for achieving the community’s vision for housing, public facilities, education, public safety, cultural and recreational resources, economic development, and environmental protection (Chapter 4)
- Illustrative programs and projects in support of the goals and recommendations in the Plan
The Village of Pulaski and Town of Richland Joint Comprehensive Plan will help guide future growth and development, while helping to maintain the traditional, rural character of Pulaski and Richland. Elected officials in both communities can use the comprehensive plan as a resource for planning and land use decisions. The plan itself will be based on a consensus of ideas and recommendations from the public.
The CNYRPDB is a public agency that was established in 1966 by Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga and Oswego Counties. Financial support for the agency is provided by its member county contributions, state and federal grants, and contract service revenue. The CNYRPDB provides a comprehensive range of services associated with the growth and development of communities in Central New York with a focus on the following program areas: economic development, environmental management, land use and transportation planning, and regional information and research services. Currently, the CNYRPDB is assisting several communities in Cayuga and Oswego Counties as they try to identify and plan for the long-term goals of their communities.
For further information, please contact Jeanie Gleisner at (315) 422-8276 ext. 212 or
Comprehensive plan.
2023 Town of Richland/Village of Pulaski Climate Action Plan
Members from the Village of Pulaski and Town of Richland are:
Representing the Town: Chairperson
Representing the Village: Melissa Wadkinson
Representing the Town: Donna Gilson
Representing the Town: Robert Jeffery
Representing the Village: Jan Tighe
Representing the Village: Robin Ford
Representing the Village: alternate
Representing the Town: Cheris Fox, alternate
Public meetings are the first Thursday of each month in the Grand Jury Room at the H. Douglas Barclay Courthouse.
Please contact Dawn Holynski at