Zone and Code Enforcement Officer - Jim Sprague
Office: (315)298-5174 ext.1021
Mobile: (315)532-5651
Email: c
Monday 9:00am - 11:30am or by appointment
Planning Board meetings are on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.
Zoning Board meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.
Building/Zoning Application Forms and Information
Zoning Law
Zoning Map
Local Law #1 of 2020 Regulating Solar Energy in the Town of Richland.
Zoning and Planning Board Secretary
Catherine Spinney
Planning Board
Jonathan Goodsell
Board Members
David Scott
Swiatoslav Kaczmar
Robert Jeffery
John Mandigo
Alternate-David Antonucci
Zoning Board
Charles Deaton
Board Members
Jamie Foster
Timothy Crouch
Joe Skotnicki
Kory Pearson
Alternate-Kathleen Wiseman